Thursday, 27 March 2014


                                                            IPHONE MUSIC PLAYER

I wanted to show my product in the existing industry so therefore I edited my album cover onto the music player on itunes to show it as an exisitng product. Each track fron an album that is bought on itunes comes with album art which is usually the album cover so therefore for my track I chose to use my front cover of my digipak to keep with the conventions of exisitng products.

                                                        MOBILE APP OF ITUNES


Here is a screen shot of my digipak on the mobile app of ITunes as a way of advertising.I have edited it to make it looks as though it is amongst other existing products, this makes it the digipak look as though it is an actual existing product, present in the industry and available to buy along side other indie rock albums.


Here is the computer verison of the Itunes Store, I have also edited my product on to the store of ITunes also to make my product look industry standard and as a way of advertising. I have tried to follow the exisitng layout as close as I could - the font and size of the text used.

                                                UK TOP 40 INDIE ALBUM CHART

In the same way that I wanted my product to fit in as closely as possible to Itunes, the same applies to the layout of the UK top 40. I wanted to show my product featured somewhere other than in apple products so therefore I decided to show my product featured on the UK top 40 indie album chart. I feel asthough my abstract album cover fits in along side the other album covers of my genre and the editing of the text to match the existing text matches fairly well.

Thursday, 20 March 2014


Due to audeince feedback it is clear that my target audience prefer the second draft of my advertisemnt in comparison to my 3rd. This was due to the main image of the elephant allowing them to connoate their own ideas into why there is an elephant on the front of an album advertisement. My audeince feedback also indicated that they prefered the layout of the star ratings and the more central album and band information.


I created a second CD to go inside my digipak. The CD follows my art abstract theme and is bright and intriguing for the audience. The image also appears inside the digipak so therefore it creates continue it between the cd and my digipak aswell as letting the audience know that the cd belongs to the digipak.



This is my 3rd draft of my advertisment, again I have followed the conventions of existing products and have used an image that appears in my digipak to create continuity between the two. The text is bold and easy readable to the audience and informs them of everything they need to know about the product. I have featured links to the social media and also verdicts on the products from influential music magazines in the industry.

I want to get audience feedback in realtion to my products to make sure i am appealing to my target audience and get general feedback about my products.


My 3rd draft also included a photograph taken in the Natural History Museum. I followed the same layout as my previous advertisement but chose to experiment with this image as it's neon colours are eye catching and reflect the vibrant art work I want to reflect in my media texts. As I did in my previous draft I created a rectangular white box and reduced the opacity to make the text that follows easy readable and make it stand out in contrast to the image.

I then added the band logo I created and then the album title along with 'presents' again so it was clear for the audience to distinguish between band and album name. Below the first text box I then added another and again reduced the opacity. This was for the existing institutions verdict and the social media information.

I again used NME and MOJO as my institutions to give the verdict on my album as they are both very successful in the industry. The social media is also very important and has become conventional to I chose to put both the Twitter and Facebook of my band in the advertisement. However, this time I chose black writing against the white to make it stand out and clear to read.


This is the second draft of my magazine advertisement. I have followed all conventions of exisitng products and have used the same image as the front cover of my digi pak to create continuity between my products. I have included the album name, band name, when it is available to buy and the links to the bands social media sites. In additon I have included the views of top music magazines in relation to my product. The main image follows the abstract art element to my products.

I will get audience feedback from my products and compare it to my third draft to see what my target audeince like and which one they feel I should use as my final drafts. I also want to know any suggestions they may have in relation to the layout or style of my products.

Audience Feedback:


To create continuity between all my products I used the same image of the Elephant I took in the Natural history museum on my magazine advertisement, as I did on my digipak. I added a white rectangle shape to the image and lowered the opacity to make the box slightly see through. This was so the text that I was going to add was easy to read but the image was still clear in contrast.

I then added the logo I had created for the band along with the album title. I placed them both in the centre of the box I created to make them the main attraction alongside the image. The text is big and bold so the audience can read it clearly and can clearly identify the album and artist.

I then decided to add the text 'presents' so it was clear for the audience to able to distinguish between who the artist was and the album title. I decided the advertisement needed a release date. The most effective way of telling an audience when the product is out, I feel, is to publish the advertisement when it has been released and inform then that they can buy it as soon as they have seen it advertised. It is for this reason that I chose to write 'OUT NOW' in bold and red so the audience was aware of its release.

It is conventional of magazine advertisements that advertise albums to have the verdict of existing successful media products displayed on the advertisement to help sell the product. It is for this reason that I chose to use NME and MOJO as the music magazines that would give a verdict on my album.
Due to the advanced technology of the modern day many artist have social networking sites where they can interact with their fans and advertise their upcoming tours and products. I chose to display the bands Twitter and Facebook addresses as they are the most popular social media used by the target audience. This may increase the fan base and allow their existing audience to interact with the band increasily.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


I created a disc for the inside of my digipak using photoshop. I chose to use the same image as I did on my front cover to create continuity and follow the abstarct theme of my album.

Monday, 17 March 2014


This is my 3rd draft of my digipak. I am very happy with how it has turned out and feel as though it does look industry standard. All of my images relate to the name of my band and the abstract art concept I aimed for. I followed the advice of my audience feedback and followed the conventions of digipak's in order to make my digipak look as close to inustry standard as possible.The images I have chosen show all elimantes of New York from the art, skyline, nature and people. I feel it captures New York at all aspects. I feel as though it is 10 times better than my first draft and through the use of refreshing my photoshop skills I have produced images that have a vintage/ neon effect contrasting the elements of New York through images.


After feedback from my previous album front cover to my digipak I made the changes suggested by my target audience. That was to add the band name to the front cover and to also lower the rectangular box which makes my album title and band name stand out. This was to enable more of the image to be seen. I also editied ther image slightly to make it brighter as I thought it was too dull.


First I started with my image that I had taken in New York and uploaded it on to photoshop. I was happy with the colours in terms of brightness and contrast so then I added the text -  the track names via the text button photoshop. Once i got them top the size and in the font I wanted I aligned them to the left to stick with conventions.

I noticed that the text did not stand out as clear as I wanted it to so I then added a rectangluar black box around each individual song title and faded it with the opacity tool. This made the box less dark and allowed the text to stand out in comparison to the background image.

After I had applied all the boxes to the track titles, I then added a barcode and record lable logo to the back cover to stick with conventions and make my product industry standard. I have chosen Atlantic as I feel my song choice and my overall products would be the kind of material they would produce due to the nature and genre of the song.
Finally I added the copyright information and the bands social media sites to redirect the audience to other media in which they can consume for the band. This completed the back cover and I feel it looks like industry standard.

Thursday, 13 March 2014


Here is my second attempt at my digipak, I have chosen these images to reflect the different aspects of society in New York, the nature, arcitecture and the business of the city. I do like this attempt and feel it is a better attempt than my last as I have better images and a variety of photographs aswell as keeping continuity.

Feedback: After feedback from my media teacher, I have decided to make a few changes such as changing the positioning of my logo and changing the image of my back cover. Also I want to have my band name on the front cover of my digipak.


To create the colour of my back cover I used the clone tool to match the colour of the lighitng around the elephant and put it on a blank canvas. After doing this I altered the brightness and contrast of the image which  made the green tones stand out aginst the blue.

 I used the text tool to create the track names and postioned them to the left of the cover to keep with conventions. I wanted the trcak names to stand out more against the background so I made the text white and placed a yellowy orange rectangle around the text which made the text more clear and easy to read.

To follow conventions I placed a barcode and record company logo on the cover but made them both the same colour to follow conventions and keep continuity. I then added the copyright information and general information about the album to the cover. I did however miss off information of the bands social media so will add this when I improve it.


 To create my front cover I took an image of an elephant I took in New Yorks Natural History museum to refelct the abstract video. First I had to alter the scale of the image to fit the template for my front cover. Then I added a white rectsangular shape with lowered opacity to make the behind image appear a little. This was in preperation for my logo to be added to the image and for it to still be visible.

On adding my logo I noticed that it wasnt as bold as I first though so using my refreshed skills I altered the brightness and contrast of my Logo which made it stand out.

 To make the logo stand out even more I altered the opacity of the white rectangluar shape for it to be more white and have less of the background showing through.
After merging the layers of my logo and the box i then adjusted the position of my logo as I wanted it to be more centre of the cover.

Here is the second draft of my digig pak, it has changes in huge amounts in comparison to my first draft as it now has a different title name and image but I have kept the concept of having the black logo on the white background as I feel it makes the logo stand out more and grab the audiences attention.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


Who’s at risk?
Severity of injury
Chance of injury
Control measures
Tripping over pavement whilst recording


Stand in a stable area whilst filming



Stop in a sensible area whilst filming

Unstable balance on the Subway


Sit Down when recording



Sit on the seats of the subway whilst filming
Bumping into people around New York

Myself and the public

Find a clear area




Don’t film in the middle of busy crowds

Theft of the camera


Make sure I know where the camera is at all times




Have a strap around my wrist for the camera and be sure others know I’m using it

Here are some of the hazards and risks that I could encounter whilst filming around New York. I have thought of preventative measures for all of these and will follow them out to ensure the public and myself are safe whilst filming.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


From the start of my project I found it difficlut to come up with a band/ artist name to accompany the song Fitzpleasure, that was when I adapted the original artist name -Alt J- to become my own - 'All in One'. However, as my project developed I felt it did not relate to the abstarct theme of my music video and would not look good on my ancillary texts that was when I developed the name New New York which can be abbreviated to NNY. The abreviated for of the artist name sticks to my genre conventions as the bands from that genre tend to use abbreviations as do their fans, such as Arctic Monkeys who's name is abbreviated to AM.

Here is my bands name in logo form. It is big, bold and dark in colour therefore making it easy for an audience to distinguish it amongst other albums on the shelf.


Due to my song choice being from the same band and same genre as it was previously, all my research into the genre conventions still apply and researching into to anciallary texts and how I would advertise still also applies.
However, instead of sticking to my genre- indie rock - conventions I have since chose to do an abstact video which goes against the conventions. I feel that my chosen song - Fitzpleasure- doesnt have a narrative and can only be constructed in an effective way with an abstarcat video, hence why i chose to film my music video in New York with amazing scenery and location.  


This was our last day in New York and a snow storm had hit America and reached New York. To expereince Snowy New York gave beautiful scenery, but worry that we wouldnt be able to get home. On the Thursday we visited Central Park and the Natural History Museum, I again took my camera and filmed as I was waling around the museum and as we were walking around the west side of Central Park. The snow was so deep that we were unable to get to the center of the park but I can only imagine how magical it would have looked. Around the museum I saw the historical material that featured in Night In The Museum and wanted to capture that footage for my music video.

Here are some photos I took of Central Park and Natural History Musuem as I was walking around.


New York Film Academy is the equivalent of our university, except it specialises in the creative students. We got a chance to look round it and witness some lessons in action. Here they teach Dance, Performing Arts, Musical Theatre, Photography, Animation and Film so it was a good chance for us to look around the academy and see what they have to offer. I took the opportunity to film Brooklyn Bridge from one of the windows of the academy, this gave me the right height to be able to capture all of the bridge.
Rockerfella Plaza was on the agenda for day 3 and here was a chance to film the ice rink that is associated with the Rockerfella Plaza. Inside I also filmed the entrance sign as well as people walking about. The plaza was so busy with people from local business' getting their lunch. I had a slic of pizza to go and really felt American!
Below is the Ice Rink at the Rockerfella Plaza


Day 2 was the day we went to Ground Zero, the memorial sight for 9/11 and the museum that hold tribute to those who died. I found these sights very upsetting and could not believe what I was seeing, however, I came to not only see the memorial but to get the footage I need for my music video. I planned to film the water features that stood in place of where the twin towers once stood, although I found this experiecne upsetting it is an expereince I will never forget. I took this footage as i felt that this would show what New York is really like and to also pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the horrific terror attack.
After visiting the 9/11 memorial and Gorund zero we then took a ferry from the port to Liberty Island. To get there we had to take the Subway, this is where I took the cance to film inside the subway station, footage from inside the subway as we were setting off and of the signs that dircted us.
Libert Island was a great place to get footage of the skyline of manhattan form the ferry and to take footage of Liberty Island as we were approaching it and on the island itself. Liberty Island was a mesmorising place and the footage I captured is really affective in showing the Statue in its true form. The upwards tilt of the statue will show the audience of my music video just how big the statue is.

Here are some photos I took whilst filming.


After landing in JFK around 2pm in the afternoon, we continued our journey to our hotel - Hotel Pensylvania- which was situated directly opposite Madison Squar Gardens and several blocks down from the Empire State Building, Times Square and the Grand Central Station. I already knew what shots I wanted due to planning in advance so therefore took the camera along with me when we went to visit the Empire State Building. The Empire State building was a magnificant place and was a great place to take some footage of New York City at night. The view was amazing, I took the shots I wanted and contined to be overwhelmed by the sights.
Later that night we walked into times square, video camera in hand, I took the shots I wanted as we walked around and also took some extra footage of the amazing sights. Before walking into Times Square we stopped off at Grand Central station, here I also took the footage I needed aswell as feeling like I was in a film. It was all so surreal!

Here are some images I took during the first day of filming.